The average rent paid over the term by a tenant adjusted downward for concessions paid for by the landlord (such as free rent, moving expenses, or other allowances), and upward for costs that are the responsibility of the tenant (such as operating expense pass throughs). Example: Effective Rent is the rental rate net of financial concessions such as periods of abated rent and includes escalations. Although there are technically several correct methods to calculate effective rental rates, the most common method employed is a simple straight-line method. For example, assuming no escalations, if a tenant signs a two-year lease at a nominal rental rate of $1.00 per square foot per month in year 1 and receives three months of abated rent inside the lease term (the tenant pays rent during only 21 of the 24 months), the effective rental rate is computed as follows: $1.00 x 21/24 = $0.88. If the abated rent is received outside the lease term (the tenant pays rent for all 24 months, but an additional three-month rent abatement period is added to the lease term), the effective rental rate is computed as follows: $1.00 x 24/27 = $0.89.