California Management and Supervision
In heavily regulated industries like real estate, it is imperative to ensure that appropriate and justifiable oversight to individuals holding licenses and those representing your brokerage is offered. Neglecting to provide sufficient supervision may result in serious repercussions, including substantial fines and license forfeiture. This course will explore what it means to provide adequate and reasonable supervision.
Further exploration into how your duties as a supervisor apply to specific issues, such as reviewing and retaining records, using advertisements and team names, properly handling deposits, creating office policies, and so much more, will be reviewed.
This course will also cover pertinent segments of the California Business and Professions Code, as well as the rules and regulations set forth by the Real Estate Commissioner, as outlined in the California Code of Regulations.
Marsennia Wells M.S. Ed, M.A., Instructor, Connect Classroom
Contact Instructor: [email protected]
Course Information:
CE Credit: 3 hours
Written section length: 3 hours
Estimated time to complete course: 3 hours
Course Objectives:
- Identify the fundamental responsibilities of broker management and supervision within the context of California real estate law.
- Recognize effective methods to properly supervise California licensees with restricted licenses, ensuring compliance and accountability.
- Recall the process of appointing managers in California and the legal requirements involved.
- Identify discrimination prohibitions and fair practices in California real estate.
- List the essential strategies for ensuring that California real estate teams operate in full compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
- Identify the principles of record retention and the role of broker supervision in this critical aspect of real estate management.
- Recall the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act in California, understanding its implications for real estate transactions.
- List the skills necessary for effectively managing trust funds and supervising their use.
- Identify how to avoid commingling and conversion of funds, two critical issues in California real estate.
- Outline the procedures for maintaining California trust fund records accurately and securely.
- Gain a deep understanding of advertising regulations and compliance with California law.
- Explore the intersection of advertising, honesty, and discrimination in California real estate.
- Learn how to establish effective policies, rules, and procedures for a real estate office.
- Develop the ability to create comprehensive policy and procedure manuals that serve as essential resources for your real estate office.
- Acquire the skills needed to conduct training and hold office meetings that enhance team performance and compliance.
- Develop proficiency in employing effective communication strategies to facilitate a productive and harmonious working environment within the real estate office.
Industry Experts:
Marsennia WellsM.S. Ed, M.A. - Instructor at Connect Classroom